Our Ancestors Footsteps
From England to North America
The objectives of this Association shall be:
1. To encourage and develop family contacts among all members of the FOOTE Family (or any variation in the spelling of FOOTE).
2. To encourage and develop the study of the genealogy of each branch of the FOOTE family.
3. To collect, evaluate, and preserve manuscripts and printed materials and other physical items pertaining to the FOOTE family, their spouses, and their descendants.
4. To provide material and books to be used for the public in researching their family along the FOOTE line, i.e. DAR application.
5. If the opportunity presents itself, to be able to purchase, receive, lease, take the gift, devise, or bequest or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, preserve, restore, use, or otherwise deal in and with real or personal property.
6. To encourage and stimulate the young, middle, and old to see and understand that leading a wholesome, responsible, honorable, and patriotic life is most fulfilling.
7. To create opportunities to educate people about our forefathers: what they accomplished and what they and we have gained through their sacrifices.
8. To engage in such other undertakings as may be necessary or desirable, and to exercise generally the powers granted to non-stock corporations pursuant to the laws of the State of Connecticut, so as to educate the general public regarding the significant and patriotic services of the Foote Family.